Wednesday, November 23, 2011



  1. plain and simple. でもかたかながわかりません。Maybe it could have been better if you told the meanings. But never mind, I also didn't (though I think it's a problem) :) good work!

  2. すしのえはきれいですね。It looks so yummy, makes me hungry D:

    Nice story, although I wish you included a mini-glossary of new vocab words used.

  3. すごいですね!Some parts of the story were hard to follow since I did not understand all of the vocabulary used. Good usage on the katakana though!

  4. I think the short story with one focus was a really good idea. I would say though you have to be more careful and make a list of words that we haven't learned in class because that does make this hard for most of us to understand. Overall however, I liked that it was a personal anecdote. わたしもすしがすきですよ。
